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  • Alien Dragon's Baby: A Scifi Alien Romance (Red Planet Dragons of Tajss) Page 7

Alien Dragon's Baby: A Scifi Alien Romance (Red Planet Dragons of Tajss) Read online

Page 7

"Calisssssta," I say, speaking slowly so I get her name right.

  Moisture wells in the corners of her eyes. Inefficient, silly, and yet it endears her to me even more. It must be some way of showing she cares?

  "Ladon," she says to me then reaches up and touches my cheek.

  I mimic her gesture. The softness of her skin amazes me but I feel again she's too warm. Burning hot actually and her face is flushed an angry red. The dryness of her lips, the lack of shine in her eyes, she needs epis. Tomorrow, she just has to survive until tomorrow. I break the moment and turn to the guster. I field dress it and then begin harvesting the meat. We'll eat well tonight. I watch the oasis as I work making sure the pack has moved on. They don't come out this way and I am reassured. Packs of guster never stay in one place for long.

  Calista helps me with the harvesting, wrapping the meat in oil cloth to keep it fresh as I slice the pieces. It's messy work but with her help it doesn't take long. I take her up and we start for the oasis but even with her arm over my shoulder she stumbles and falls to her knees. She looks up and says something as she struggles back to her feet. I give her water but she still looks weak and very red. I shake my head then sweep her up into my arms and carry her the rest of the way. I make better time this way anyway not having to slow to her pace.

  In the oasis I build a shelter, start a fire and get the guster meat cooking. The smell of it fills the air. Calista watches with interest as it cooks, licking her lips. When it's done I hand her the first piece and watch as she blows on it then pops it in her mouth. Her eyes wide as she chews and then she's smiling and chewing fast at the same time. She says words with juices running down her mouth. I don't understand her but I do get her meaning. The flush on her skin recedes as the magic of guster meat works its way into her system. I give her the next piece as well waiting to eat myself until she's had her fill. She needs it much more than I do and the effect on her is dramatic. Her skin pales back to its normal hue and her eyes become bright again. Her lips are still cracked though. The effect is temporary and mostly because the guster sometimes eat the epis themselves so the essence of it infuses their meat.

  She gets her fill then I eat as well. I extinguish the fire and then we crawl into the shelter. I want to please her but I'm worried she's too weak. I'm not sure how her kind works. When I pleasured her before there was so much moisture I'm sure it contributed to increasing the effect of the heat so I resist the urge. I lay down, uncertain what she wants so I put a distance between us. She has her back to me but looks over her shoulder as I lie down. She frowns then scoots across the small space until she is pressed up against me. I place an arm over her and rest my head on top of hers. We fall asleep cuddled together.


  I wake up cool and comfortable. Cool, hmmm, I snuggle closer to the refreshing temperature, enjoying it. This place sucks but here, close to Ladon, it's nice. He's so cool to the touch that it's like having a personal air conditioner. He stirs and moves against me which is nice in a whole different way. Damn but he's sexy. I want him but as soon as I think about that my friends come to mind. Lost and scared in the desert out there. I have to get him to understand. I know he'd help them if I can make him understand.

  He pats my side then crawls out of the small shelter. I roll over and watch as he makes a small fire then cooks breakfast for us. I can only hope it's more of that delicious meat. I've never had anything that tasted so good before. It was refreshing and made me feel alive again. My headache was gone after eating it and everything. I watch as he pulls a few pieces of it out, spears them on sticks, then sets them over the fire. Smiling I crawl out and join him. He doesn't seem any the worse for wear after fighting that monster. I run a hand down his biceps and then across his chest. He looks over and smiles.

  "Calisssssta," he says still dragging out the S.

  "Ladon," I respond.

  We eat mostly in silence. The sun is already hot and I know it will only get hotter as the day goes. As we eat I look at all the plant life growing around this oasis. It's fascinating and I really want to take time to study how they've adapted to both the heat and the soil too. We've crashed here and even if there is a rescue sent out, which is doubtful, it will be generations before they arrive. If my people are going to survive we'll need to adapt. Ladon finishes eating, puts away all the supplies, then carefully puts out the fire. He stands up and says something and motions into the trees. He motions to me with a sit down looking motion. I get the idea he wants me to stay here.

  "Okay, sure, you go. Me stay, no problem Lone Ranger," I quip like he'd have any idea who the Lone Ranger is, or I would if Johnny Depp hadn't made a movie. I love old movies.

  Ladon nods then heads into the trees and out of sight. I'm sure the water must be in that direction. We're on the edge of the oasis and I intend to use the opportunity to explore and gather some plants for research. The first thing I come to is like a miniature cactus with a red hue to it. There are sharp spikes and it reacts to the environment around it. As I approach it trembles and vibrates. When I stand still it stops. I find a small stick and poke towards it and it leans away. Fascinating!

  I gather samples where I can but much of the flora is alive in interesting ways with built in defense mechanisms. I lose myself in my wanderings as I investigate until I hear the sound of running water. The closer I get to the water source the more varied the plant life becomes so I head towards it. The sand gives way to a lush vegetation that is similar to grass but with wider leaves and tougher stalks. It's green though which is nice to see. There are these small vibrantly yellow flowers that grow in small clusters. I stop and gather a few of them as I go.

  The water splashing is loud as I come up on more of those odd trees with the massive base. Stepping around one of them I see the pool that is the heart of the oasis and a whole lot more. Ladon is in the water splashing it up on himself. The water only comes up to his thighs leaving every inch of him exposed in a glorious display. He's beautiful, amazing, and stunning. I don't have enough adjectives to describe the sexiness. As I watch he cups water in his hands and then pours it over his head. As it runs down the sunlight glints off wet scales and the glorious perfection of his muscles. The scales cover most of his body with soft colors that range from yellow to blue and make a beautiful pattern.

  His cock hangs flaccid between his legs and it's impressive. Scarily so. I've never seen a penis so big but it looks normal on his enormous frame. It's the size and length of my forearm and on top is a series of ridges. His massively muscled chest flexes and relaxes as he bends down for more water and the hard lines of his abs tense then straighten. He holds the water high over his head and pours then bends and emerges up with two handfuls of sand that he uses to scrub himself clean.

  I'm wet and really want to touch myself for relief. No, I want HIM to touch me for relief, like he did that first night and I want more but what am I thinking? I don't even know if we're really compatible. Sure he's got a cock but it's big! Too big for me to handle I'm sure. I can't take my eyes off of it though and then suddenly I realize he's looking at me because that massive cock rises upright and stands at attention. My cheeks burn hotter than even the burning sun can account for.

  "Uhm, hi, uh, yeah, Ladon, uh," I stutter.

  "Calisssssta," he says the S in my name more pronounced than ever.

  I look down, embarrassed, but I hear him splashing towards me. Shifting from foot to foot I don't know what to do. I glance up and he's looking at me with what I can only interpret as desire. He wants me but what is that? How can that be? No one wants me, not really, I'm just the nerdy science girl. Hot guys like this, even if he is an alien, don't want me.

  He's close. Too close. It feels like there's not enough air. I can't catch my breath. The V of his lower abs, his hard thigh, then his cock come into my view as I stare at the ground, hard and stiff, beautiful as the sun glints off colorful ridges. He growls and reaches and takes me by my shoulders.

  "Calisssssta," he says my name
like a mantra.

  Fear and desire war in me. He wants me but this is crazy. He places his fingers under my chin and lifts until I meet his eyes. His strange, odd, enticing eyes that awaken things inside me I can't even pretend to understand. I want to give in to him and he nods slowly. He runs his hands down my arms, soft and gentle. A shudder runs down my spine causing me to shake. He pauses, staring into my eyes, then he resumes stroking up and down. He runs his fingers through my hair then cups my face in his massive hands. He leans in, closer, then closer still. He's going to kiss me, I know it's coming, I want it but no I'm scared. Too scared, I yelp and jump backwards.

  He hisses and leans in towards me reaching. My eyes widen as fear fills my stomach with acid and I'm shaking all over. He's huge and the urge to run fills me. I can't resist it. I turn and I run away as fast as I can. I run blindly, crashing through the trees, I run with tears streaming down my face without thinking. No destination, no clue where I'm going or why. I run hoping for a savior. I run until my legs won't carry me any longer and I collapse in a heap and I cry.

  Tears wrack my body as I lay there until at last I'm dry. Which is when I also realize that I'm thirsty and somewhere in my mad dash through the woods I've lost my pack which had my water and the only supplies I have.

  "Damn it, you idiot," I berate myself. "What now?" I'm talking out loud to keep myself from panicking.

  Standing up I take stock of my surroundings. I'm lost, really really lost.

  "Okay, well running blindly around the alien planet away from the one guy who could help you the most is stupid. Got it. Note to self, next time don't be scared of the big dick okay? So he's hung like a… dragon. So what?"

  I shake my head at my own stupidity. There's a stand of those trees a few yards ahead. They don't have any lower branches but the top ones are thick and plentiful with lots of leaves that shade from the sun. Some of them are close enough maybe I can shimmy my way up between them if I'm careful and get high enough to get my bearings.

  "Damn, I'm like one of those stupid teenage girls in a horror movie. Oh god, a monster penis, run through the woods! All I needed to do was lose my shirt along the way and I'd be the perfect serial killer bait."

  Jolie loves stupid old horror movies like that and forced me to watch them over and over. Jolie. I hope she's okay and all the others are too. Are they looking for me? They've probably written me off for dead. That makes me sad but if they're alive it's okay. If I can find Ladon again I know I can get him to understand and when I return I'll be a hero. He'll help my people to survive. I know he will.

  "Do I?" I ask myself as I step between the trees. "How do you know that Miss Smartypants?"

  I don't know I guess but I feel like he will. I mean he's been so gentle and kind with me. He's been, sweet I guess.

  "Sweet?" I ask no one. And having no one I of course answer myself. "Yes, sweet, like I'm a princess."

  I laugh at myself. Maybe the heat is getting to me. I'm so dry and my headache is back. No matter how much water I drink I'm still dry. The meat he gave me last night helped. It sent a cool chill through all my limbs spreading from my belly in a pleasing sensation. It was amazing and damn what I wouldn't give for some more of it.

  "So, yeah, I'm the Princess of Vulcan and now I'm lost. Ladon can be my prince and come find me any moment now."

  A twig breaks off to my side then the trees rustle above my head. I jump, looking for the source then scream when I see it. A huge, sort of gorilla looking thing steps out from behind one of the trees. It has massive arms that look like small tree trunks. It's huge fists are on the ground as it walks forward, stops, then pounds the ground. Thick fur hands over its shoulders and down the top half of its arms but the bottom half is bare skin that's a rich blue color. It has sharp brown eyes that watch my every move. Bent over and resting on its hands like it is, the thing is still almost as tall as my own five foot six. I stand frozen trying to not provoke it.

  "Uhm, sorry?" I say. "Didn't know this area was claimed."

  I back up a step and it doesn't move so I take another step backwards. Then the tree above me rattles and something falls down. I catch sight of it out of the corner of my eye and scream dropping into a crouch and protecting my head. There's another one behind me. The trees go crazy with their rattling then more of the creatures are dropping to the ground like falling coconuts except it's raining massive primates. They call to each other as some of them hit their chests or slap the ground. A couple of them shove each other but my main concern is that I'm surrounded. They keep their distance but they also keep me in the middle. I turn in a slow circle trying to see all of them at once.

  "Shit," I mutter then the first one steps closer and I whirl to face him. "Hold it right there!"

  I yell but it doesn't matter. It comes closer one step at a time. He reaches for me with his massive hand that looks big enough to crush my head without a second thought. I freeze unable to move. Every muscle locks and all I can do is mutter and do my best to not cry. It touches my hair and runs a finger through it. When it pulls back I breath a sigh of relief that turns to a scream as it moves with blinding speed and grabs my hair in its fist and yanks. I'm thrown to the ground with the force of it and my scream doesn't stop.

  10 LADON

  "Damn it," I hiss, throwing my clothes back onto myself and gathering my bag.

  I want her and I know she enjoyed my pleasuring, why did she run? She makes no sense. She has no sense! No protection, no weapons, not strong enough to lift a baboa limb on her own and she runs off blindly. Stupid and dangerous. I have to find her before she runs into something. A cvet or that guster pack from last night. There is little here that won't kill the unsuspecting. Tajss is not a forgiving home.

  Fully dressed I pick up her trail and start after her. Anger pulses with every beat of my hearts. When I find her I will make her understand she can't do this again. She is my greatest treasure and I won't allow her to to die. I pause and kneel down. Her tracks are clear and easy to follow. Looking ahead I see a stand of baboa trees. Damn it, majmun will live there. Maybe she turned aside. I run knowing in my heart that she didn't. Then I hear her scream and I spread my wings leaping with every other step to move faster.

  "LADON!" she screams my name and anger pulses in response.

  Whatever is threatening her will feel my wrath. I will tear it apart with my bare hands. She is mine, nothing may harm her. I leap over a fallen branch reaching the stand of trees. The majmun tribe is on the ground circling her. Their alpha has her by the hair and is dragging her around the circle while the rest pound the ground and their chests.

  "CALISSSSSTA!" I roar, leaping high in the air and pulling my lochaber off my back.

  My feet hit the baboa tree several feet up and I use it to spring higher still into the air. My scream draws the attention of the majmun. They look up and cry out either in fear or defiance. The alpha stops dragging Calista. He rises up on his hind legs and pounds his chest roaring at me. I raise my lochaber over my head holding it in both hands and swing down intending to bury it in his skull. He watches as I glide down. I swing towards his head and he punches, striking me in my gut and throwing me backwards.

  The air is knocked from me. I flap my wings trying to regain control as my tail whips wildly from side to side. I slam into a baboa tree hard enough to hurt but my scales save me from anything breaking. I pull my wings closed and let myself slide down the tree trunk and land in a crouch with my lochaber ready. The alpha barks and pounds the ground, a sound that almost mimics laughter.

  "Lafitupfuzbal thatsmyLadon," Clarissa says words that I don't understand but I recognize my name at the end of it.

  I keep my eyes on the alpha. He stomps forward, threatening as he pounds the ground. I hold my position and don't take my eyes off of him. If I do he'll feel dominant. He's in my territory, nothing here is dominant over me. I step forward as he retreats and make a wordless hiss sound. The alpha shakes his head, hits the ground, then makes several quick steps
forward pounding sand again. I hold my ground still and he retreats.

  The crowd around him hoots and makes noises seeing their alpha challenged. They pound the ground and egg him on. He looks around then at me. We stare at each other for a long time then I step forward, my lochaber at the ready. I'd rather not kill him. They're not bad animals and keep the guster packs from getting too thick. Their meat is not good for eating either so there's nothing for me to gain by his death. All I need is for him to figure that out for himself.

  He pounds the ground and then rises on his hind legs and throws his hands wide to either side. Calista watches from behind him and starts scooting back.

  "Ladon!" she cries out.

  My eyes dart to her for an instant and then the alpha is rushing towards me. I whirl my lochaber and drop to a crouch with it held in front of me ready to receive his attack. He slides to a stop just short of the point. He beats the ground. I take one hand off my lochaber and pound the ground then point up into the trees. The alpha shakes his head side to side so I repeat the motions. He backs up slowly then makes a noise. He leaps backwards flying over Calista and grabbing onto one of the baboa trees. The rest of the pack joins him and in moments they disappear into the sheltering canopy. My treasure runs and throws her arms around me. I wrap my arms around her for a moment then grab her by the waist and set her firmly away from me.

  "You could have been killed!" I yell, fear for her safety and anger at the majmun still roiling inside. She ran away and put herself in mortal danger. I don't understand. She shakes her head and moisture wells in her eyes which just makes me even more confused.

  "No! You can't do this, do you not realize how dangerous what you just did is? What if I hadn't come in time. That alpha was claiming you as his own. You could be dead!" I want her to understand, to know that she can't do that again. The moisture in the corners of her eyes falls down her cheeks and she steps back away from me bringing her arms up in front of her shielding herself.