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A Baby for the Alien Prince: Celestial Mates (The Alva) Page 4

"This is my manservant, Raloven," I say, gesturing as he steps forward. "And some guards I've brought for our journey."

  The alien interprets for her and she nods before speaking. “Ray-lowven.” My tiny earth bride smiles at my manservant who bows in response.

  "Let me help you up into the carriage," I say. She lets out a small gasp as I pick her up to deposit her on the seat. Incredibly, my hands encompass her entire waist. I itch to touch her in far less seemly ways.

  She will be seated between Raloven and I, it's the safest place in case of an attack. However, she says something and gestures behind us, beginning to climb down again.

  "She says she forgot her things," the representative says.

  "I will retrieve them." I motion for her to stay, walking over to pick up her unusual parcels then set them inside the carriage.

  She smiles and makes the same sounds of thanks she used earlier, blushing prettily. My dick jumps in response.

  Nimbly, I leap to her side, taking up the juntta’s reigns.

  I am not showing off.

  Well perhaps a little.

  "Celestial Mates hopes for your satisfaction," the man says with a smile, then speaks again in her language, waving a farewell.

  "Elorshin Do'ana," I say to her, spreading my hand over my chest, only now realizing I haven't properly introduced myself.

  “Ehlor-shun,” she says, speaking carefully before pointing to herself, "Mar-go Way-lun."

  "Margot," I say, giving special attention to the foreign word’s pronunciation.

  She smiles that tentative smile again.

  My eyes linger on her lips for a moment, desiring to nip them with my fangs.

  Jerking my eyes from the luscious female, I call out to the Celestial Mates representative, "My thanks to you."

  Turning the carriage to leave, the others follow and we are on the journey back.

  With my new bride.

  We travel for a few moments in an awkward silence, neither knowing how to talk to the other. I struggle with my body’s desire, my cock an aching hardness I must ignore.

  "Tired," she intones, her accent odd but somehow pleasing to the ear. The representative has taught her a few words of Alvan, it would seem.

  I nod. "We will be home before long."

  She frowns as she watches me speak and nods.

  I don't know how much she understands.

  The proximity of her soft, warm body and her delicious scent is driving me mad. I want to bury my face against her, breathe in more of that perfume, taste her to see if it matches that delectable fragrance.

  Trying to think of everything but her and her closeness, we finish the rest of the journey home in heavy silence.

  I don't know yet what she thinks of Alva.

  Or what she thinks of me.

  What is certain is that I cannot remain close to her. I might make a rash decision while thinking with my cock, take her body, claim her with my bite and bind myself to her forever.

  And no matter how attractive she is, she does not understand our ways, and she is not Alvan.

  Binding her so irrevocably could be a mistake I soon regret.

  We reach the boundary wall and pass through the guarded gate. As my people stop and stare at the unusual looking female riding next to me, it underscores my doubts.

  Margot smiles at them somewhat shyly and I can see she, too, feels overwhelmed.

  We reach my home and I instruct Raloven to take her inside.

  "But my Prince! Are you not going to take your bride into her new home?" he pleads.

  He does not know how close I am to the edge, how badly I want to snarl and throw her down and claim her fragile body.

  If I take her inside her new home, I might well take her in every way, brand every inch of her form as mine.

  I cannot be alone with her.

  "I have business to attend to," I say, my voice sharper than I intend.

  Margot looks confused and then dismayed as she realizes I am leaving.

  It gives me pause, but only for a moment.

  I cannot remain this close to her and not touch her, not slide my hands and mouth over her tempting form.

  Not bury my face against her full breasts, not take her hips in my hands...

  I haven't got the control.

  Chapter Six


  I watch Elorshin stride away, shivering and alone.

  Is he disappointed with me? I thought he was at least attracted when we first met, but why would he abandon me so early?

  It's colder here than where I first landed. The clothes I brought with me from Earth provide no protection against the chill. A shudder raises goosebumps on my arms.

  Raloven says something, his voice gentle and sympathy in his face and eyes, which only confirms that this isn't some normal cultural tradition for them. He gestures for me to follow inside. Entering the massive mansion, it’s just like what I would expect if I’d traveled back in time to the Middle Ages. A cold, dim, and underground version of it, anyway.

  When we entered this giant cavern’s walls, there was the hustle and bustle of activity. Life was vibrant in every corner as people worked, talked, and moved around. The lights along the entrance were dazzling, but the interior of Elorshin's home is only dimly lit with the same glowing, lichen-like plant that the carriage was. Inside this large home, which has even more space than the skyscrapers and houses I cleaned back home, there's a quietness and the wear of gentle neglect that starkly contrasts the outside.

  Everything is the gray of the stone they seem to use for almost everything. The furniture is heavy and made of some wood-like material. It looks sturdy but plain and utilitarian. There are tapestries on the walls, but they too look dusty.

  As Raloven leads me further into the home, the sheer amount of space is overwhelming. There's much more than any of the rich have back on Earth. I try to take in everything as I follow the Alvan up a wide flight of stairs and to a hall also covered in that glowing plant. They must be able to see in very little light if this is enough illumination for them.

  We come to a bedroom that has the same faded, genteel look as the rest of the place, though there is less dust. They cleaned it, recently, probably for me. He says something else and all I can do is smile and nod, not knowing his language.

  Picking out the word for tired the Celestial Mates agent taught me, I try to say it in Alvan. "Tired."

  He nods and gives me a bow before leaving.

  I let out a sigh as I take a seat on the enormous, plush bed that seems like it was carved from the rock itself. It’s beautifully polished and intricately designed.

  This is a disaster.

  My dreams of a husband, babies, a family, seem naïve now that I'm here on this strange planet with a man who can’t wait to run away from me.

  What have I gotten myself into?

  I lay down on the bed, too tired to stay upright any longer, closing my eyes as my brain continues to run around in frustrated circles.

  Despite my worries I'm too exhausted to stay awake for long.

  When I open my eyes again, I don't know how much time has passed.

  The irony of leaving a life underground only to find myself in a similar situation doesn't escape me.

  Lying in bed for a few minutes, I listen to the utter quiet I'm so not used to.

  It's kind of nice.

  I shake myself alert, I need to get up. I'm here now and moping about it isn't going to help anyone, especially me.

  Throwing off the surprisingly warm and soft fur lined covers, I step out onto the cold floor and take a moment to look around the room now that I'm not so tired.

  There's the bed, a wardrobe, and a basin with water to wash in that I make use of, feeling much better for it. Guess that was part of the Celestial Mate’s screening process, pairing me with an alien on a planet that I wouldn’t die of dehydration on. Thanks for that.

  But man, would I kill for some plumbing. The change in tech is drastic. It looks like they don'
t have electricity either. Which is confusing considering the giant floodlights at the entrance to this cavern.

  Back out in the room, I open the wardrobe. It's filled with clothes in neutral colors. Various shades of grays, browns, and whites. All the colors, if you could call them that, that I saw the people wearing in the cavern when we drove in.

  There are fur lined cloaks and clothing made of a heavy leather. The boots underneath are huge and made of the same sturdy leather, one pair also lined with fur. These are the kind of clothes that look like they'd be appropriate here. I noticed last night that the farther we traveled from the teleporter, the colder and dimmer it seemed to get.

  The cut and style also looks like what Elorshin had on.

  This must be his bedroom.

  That he didn't come to last night.

  I'm about to close the door when I realize the clothes on one side of the large wardrobe are smaller, the boots underneath more petite.

  I pull out a heavy dress and sturdy boots that look like they're about my size. If I'm going to live here, I should dress like they do. I already look alien enough.

  Besides, the clothes are more practical than the ones I brought.

  It was nice of Elorshin to think to leave these for me. Of course, I'm assuming it was him. Truth is it was probably Raloven's idea.

  Pushing that unhelpful thought aside, I dress quickly. I wonder if I'm supposed to leave my legs bare, but when I rummage around more, I find a pair of thick leggings. Once I have everything on, I feel much warmer and ready to face people.

  I step out into the hall and wander around.

  The place is massive, so I only open a few doors. Most of them are bedrooms similar to the one I slept in, though not as nice. One seems to be an office or study. Figuring it isn't going to get much more exciting up here, I head downstairs.

  It's still very dim. I touch the glowing stuff on the walls. It's soft and green, made of tiny leaf-like parts. At least, what leaves looked like in the pictures I've seen. There isn't any natural greenery left on Earth anymore.

  A flicker of light comes from the bottom of the stairs.

  When I reach the main floor, I wander towards the sounds of pots and pans.

  Peeking around an open door, I see a few people hard at work cooking...something. They're chattering away to each other, obviously in a good mood.

  I move on down the hall toward the source of the flickering light.

  It's the fireplace in the living area I passed through yesterday.

  Two maids are there, speaking to each other in Alvan. It sounds lilting and beautiful and I wish I could understand them.

  As I step closer, they pause, their faces almost dismayed as they see me standing in front of them.

  They're dressed much the same as I am, though I can see the quality of the cloth and stitching on their dresses is not of the same quality as what I wear.

  "Hello," I say in Alvan, racking my brain. No part of my limited vocabulary seems appropriate to insert here.

  All right, gesturing it is.

  I smile at them and they smile back, their faces unsure. They have cloths in their hands they're using to wipe down the dust in the room.

  If there's one thing I know how to do, it's clean.

  I see a few more rags set down on a table and pick one up.

  They gasp in unison as I walk over to the mantle and start wiping. I’m happy because it puts me close to the warmth and the light of the fire, which is nice.

  I look up as they trot over and one of them tries to take the rag from me.

  "No, no," I protest in English even though I know they can't understand me. "I want to help."

  I try smiling at them again, but they look distressed.

  One of them runs away, calling Raloven's name.

  In less than a minute he shows up, looking just as shocked and nervous as the maids.

  You would think I ran down here naked and did jumping jacks.

  Determined to win them over, I continue to clean while they stand and wring their hands.

  Eventually, the maids resume cleaning again as Raloven stands close by, hovering around me.

  Grabbing an extra rag, I hand it to him.

  He blinks at me and I gesture at one dusty table for him to clean.

  He opens his mouth, closes it again, looking down at the rag like he's never seen one before in his life. Then his face gets a determined look, and he marches over to the table with the rag held gingerly in front of him.

  I hide my smile as I get back to work.

  Slowly the maids resume talking to each other, though their voices are more hushed now.

  I try to communicate with my limited vocabulary and gestures, but I'm not very successful.

  The door opens behind me and silence falls in the room except for the crackle of the fire.

  That can't be good.

  I turn to see Elorshin just inside the door, his eyes wide as he takes in the scene. He's dressed in the same clothes he was wearing yesterday- brown leathers with a gray, fur-lined cloak.

  His brows come together in a frown as he steps forward and barks something out in a deep voice.

  Raloven tries to say something, but Elorshin just glares and he falls silent again.

  Elorshin's eyes lock with mine and he moves toward me. His large, imposing body seems to take up all the space in the room, even though I know that's impossible.

  Oh shit.

  Chapter Seven


  I stalk toward Margot, furious that she would demean herself in such a way.

  A Princess should never have to dirty her hands with manual labor. It is unbecoming to her position, to me, and to House Do'ana.

  Her eyes widen as I close the distance between us.

  Even in my anger, I note the deep brown of the gown she is wearing and how well it compliments her coloring and the dangerous curves of her body.

  Curves I want to mold with my hands.

  "Leave us!" I bark out as I reach my tiny mate. I stay in place in front of her as everyone leaves the room. "Why are you cleaning?"

  She shakes her head, frowning in confusion.

  I know she cannot understand me, but I say it anyway.

  "You are not a servant here! Cleaning and working are not your duties!" I say, my voice low with frustration.

  She frowns and says something back in a sharp tone, not at all apologetic.

  I feel my anger surge again.

  She does not yet know our ways, and yet she argues with me?

  My eyes narrow.

  And then she takes a firm hold of my cock. Her soft, small hand closing around me.

  I blink at her, stupefied by this development.

  What tactic is this?

  "What are you doing?" I demand.

  She says something else in a low voice, raising her chin in defiance.

  I feel myself harden even more in her hand until I am fully, undeniably erect.

  My lust, anger, and frustration collide together in a volatile mixture.

  With a growl, I crowd her back into a nearby alcove and pick her up, setting her on the ledge.

  She has driven me too far.

  Now she will pay the price.

  I will not stop until she is writhing with pleasure upon my tongue, until she is gasping with the intensity of the climax I intend to give her.

  Until she forgets why she is defying me at all, her body putty in my hands.

  I want her taste to coat my tongue, want to feel her legs tremble and her body arch, unable to control herself as I do what I want with her, until I drive her to the brink.

  My cock throbs, almost painfully, against the now taut fabric of my trousers.

  Her eyes are wide as she watches me and I know she worries what I may do.

  Perhaps she should worry.

  Chapter Eight


  In the heat of the moment my frustration surges and not knowing how else to make him listen, I grab his cock. "Do yo
u think just because you have a dick you get to tell everyone else what to do?" I retort, raising my voice.

  Maybe not the best course of action, but the stress of the last couple of days already has me on edge. I'm not okay with him assuming he can just push me around whenever he wants to and I don't give a shit if it's against cultural norms.

  I'm so pissed it takes me a moment to register how big the steel hard length in my hand is.

  My breath catches in my throat as, impossibly, my touch makes him even bigger.

  He's sizable.

  Fucking huge is more like it.

  Definitely proportional to his seven foot height.

  I swallow as I meet his eyes again.

  They're burning. But is it with lust or is he raging?

  He says something else, but no way am I backing down now.

  His nostrils flare and he steps forward, crowding me into an alcove. I take a step back, even though I know that's what he wants. I keep moving back as he pushes forward, his face set in hard lines.

  Excellent work, Margot.

  Why don't you provoke the seven foot alien with the huge erection? Right when you land in his house and you're at his mercy.

  What could go wrong?

  My back hits something hard and then there's nowhere else to go.

  I brace myself. Oh shit, what if he really is pissed.

  I draw in a sharp breath as he effortlessly takes my hips in his massive hands and lifts me onto a ledge I didn’t even know was there.

  It's high enough it reduces our ridiculous height difference.

  He growls something and I glimpse his gleaming fangs.

  Something about that makes me totally juicy, there might be something wrong with my wiring.

  He says something else as his eyes drop to my lips.

  I wish I could understand what he's saying.

  But then he lowers his head until his lips meet mine and I relax a little.

  Here's a language I know how to speak.

  His lips are surprisingly soft and warm against mine. They're gentle, almost questioning, like he's making sure I want it.

  When I lean into the kiss, he makes a sound in the back of his throat.